Maintenance & Turnaround Services

Safe, Boring, and On-Time

Trust and safety are two of the highest priorities at Altex Industries. We have been performing boilermaker services since 2001, and the experience of our field supervisors and site managers allow Altex to directly contribute to the planning, scheduling, and successful execution of major industrial plant turnarounds.

Altex Field Services division specializes in Big and Ugly turnarounds, especially high-pressure exchanger loops.    

Our crews are trained, equipped, and fully supported by Altex’s extensive corporate services, including Engineering, Project Management, QC, Supply Chain, Warehouse/Mobilization, and Shop Fabrication.  Altex is available 24/7 and 365 days/year to support your crucial turnaround activities.

Turnaround Scope of Work-section

Turnaround Scope of Work


The man lifting heavy equipment
metallurgies and combinations-section

Altex has 249 active certified weld procedures for most metallurgies and combinations

Altex has over 250 certified weld procedures

Industries Served


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